HUD Terminology

Business Logic for All Charts 

  • All charts are based off each client’s most recent enrollment in the system. This is consistent with the programming logic used for HUD APRs, CAPERs, and HUD Data Quality Reports. 
  • “Clients” refers to the number of people served. 
  • “Households” refers to the distinct number of households served, based on the distinct number of people served who are marked as “head of household” 
  • Unaccompanied Youth includes youth age 12 – 24 and excludes any households, by Household ID, with at least one adult age 25 or older with an active enrollment during the reporting periodper HUD definition.  
  • Age is calculated using either Enrollment Start Date or Start Date (user defined), whichever is greater.  
  • All charts have counts of distinct clients broken down by key demographic categories. 


Business Logic for Each Sheet 

  • The “People Served” tab consists of a distinct count of clients (distinct counts of ClientIDs) and households (distinct counts of ClientIDs who are designated as Head of Household)who have an active enrollment during the definite reporting period. Also included are details on the inflows, active and outflows for the selected target population in the section that reads “Active On Day 1 + Entries – Exits = Active on Last Day”. 
  • The “Destinations” tab reports the exit destinations of each client and household based on their most recent enrollment and most recent exit during the designated date range. For households, the exit destination is based on the response of the head of household. Using the filter at the top of the dashboard, users can toggle between individual exit destinations, successful vs. non-successful destinations, or grouped destinations: permanent, temporary, institutional, and other. 
  • The “Living Situation Prior to Project Entry” tab reports the living situation prior to entry of each client and household based on their most recent enrollment. For households, the prior living situation is based on the response of the head of household. Using the filter at the top of the dashboard, users can toggle between individual prior living situations or grouped prior living situations: permanent, temporary, institutional, and other. 
  • The “Housing Move-ins” tab consists of clients and households who were placed into housing during the reporting period, based on their most recent enrollment. This means for PSH and RRH project types, the client/household had a residential move in date during the reporting period, or TH for project types, the client entered the project during the reporting period.  
  • The “Housing Retention” tab consists of all clients and households, for both leavers and stayers, who were enrolled in housing at any point during the reporting period. This means that the client/household has a Housing MoveIn Date that was prior to the reporting period end date. A filter at the top of the dashboard can be toggled to filter between leavers and stayers. 
  • The “Returns to Homelessness” tab consists of clients and households who entered an ES or SO project during the reporting period who had an earlier exit to a permanent destination from a project of any type. These returns are then categorized as “6 Months or Less”, “6 to 12 Months” and “13 to 24 Months” since their last homeless episode. This is also based on the client’s most recent enrollment. 
  • The “Monthly Income Amount” tab reports income based on clients’ most recent enrollment. Only clients who are adults or designated as the head of household are included in these three measures. For households, the total income of the head of household and all adult household members is summed together to create one amount. In a similar manner the all relevant income sources for all household members are aggregated together and counted for each of the appropriate categories. 
  • The “Monthly Income Sources” tab reports income based on clients’ most recent enrollment. Only clients who are adults or designated as the head of household are included in these three measures. For households, the total income of the head of household and all adult household members is summed together to create one amount. In a similar manner the all relevant income sources for all household members are aggregated together and counted for each of the appropriate categories. 
  • The “Average Monthly Income” tab reports income based on clients’ most recent enrollment. Only clients who are adults or designated as the head of household are included in these three measures. For households, the total income of the head of household and all adult household members is summed together to create one amount. In a similar manner the all relevant income sources for all household members are aggregated together and counted for each of the appropriate categories.